No more worries and even after delivery to your location, without any risk shipping and /or order costs, against at the lowest prices obtained in the Netherlands!
Unburdern from beginning untill the end:
VANDENBERG collaborates closely with several major printing manufacturers in the Netherlands and Europe.
Meanwhile, most of us know that these large Dutch printing manufacturers deliver absolutely everything in the field of printed advertising and media. They also provide certified printing quality.
For just a small surcharge everything taken out of your hands by VANDENBERG.
So no risks to you if something might go wrong in the whole process. Obviously we enclose the original invoice of the manufacturer with the delivery to you. Transparency and clarity though.
Briefly; you or your department in question will again focus on other innovations and activities.
For example, go to DRUKWERKDEAL.NL there you will find a very great overview of features that will appeal to your sure.
Your print work in low runs (eg 1-250 units) is usually performed in-house with us.